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8 services for HARVEST HEALTH MD

Laceration Repair

Laceration Repair

Ear Lavage

Ear Lavage

Joint Injection/Trigger Point Injections

Joint Injection/Trigger Point Injections

Wound Care (Special Pricing)

Wound Care (Special Pricing)

Incision/Drainage of Abscesses

Incision/Drainage of Abscesses

Skin Biopsies/Skin Tag Removal

Skin Biopsies/Skin Tag Removal

Primary Care physician

Primary Care physician

direct primary care

direct primary care

As a business owner we understand the difficulties many businesses face when it comes to providing benefits for their employees. Healthcare costs are a major expense and with traditional health plans, healthcare premiums continue to rise, year after year. In a market where competitive edge is a must, and employee acquisition and retention are of utmost importance, providing premium benefits that are cost effective and improve the lives of your employees is essential.     


Harvest Health MD is our solution to your healthcare problem. Whether we are the sole healthcare benefit to your local small business or we are being integrated into your self-funded employer plan, our goal remains the same: to provide personalized, cost effective direct primary care for employers in Savannah, GA.  Join us at Harvest Health MD as we seek to do healthcare differently!

Find out more about what employers should know about direct primary care. Whether you offer professional services, work in healthcare, the trades, logistics, food and beverage, or hospitality industry Harvest Health MD can help you improve your healthcare offering. 

HARVEST HEALTH MD information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with HARVEST HEALTH MD, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of HARVEST HEALTH MD, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, HARVEST HEALTH MD. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the HARVEST HEALTH MD. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.