Orthopedic Sports Institute

Orthopedic Sports Institute

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8 services for Orthopedic Sports Institute

orthopedic surgeon

orthopedic surgeon



Elbow pain is most often caused by overuse. Sports or work activities that require repetitive motions of the hand, wrist or arm can result in inflammation of the elbow's tendons.  The discomfort felt is known as tendonitis. In addition to overuse, pain in the elbow can come from a fracture, arthritis, sprains and bursitis of inflammation of the joint cushions.

Home treatment for sore elbows involves resting, applying heat, completing stretches or wearing a brace.  It is important to seek treatment from a qualified specialist if your elbow is not responding to treatment OR if you have suffered an immediate injury (fracture, break, etc.)

Providers at OSI fellowship trained in orthopedic medicine and available to create a treatment plan that will help you alleviate ongoing elbow pain.  Our team of specialists are there to provide you with the care you need leading up to and following surgery or other treatments outlined by your personalized treatment plan.

Ankle Arthritis

Ankle Arthritis

Arthritis is a term used to describe the destruction of the cartilage in a joint. Cartilage acts as a "ball bearing surface" that allows for smooth painless motion of the joint. Ankle arthritis is most commonly caused by prior injury like recurrent ankle sprains or broken ankle. As the joint degenerates painful bone-on-bone contact occurs causing bone spurs, inflammation, pain, decreased range of motion. As an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in ankle arthritis I discuss all possible treatment options to help alleviate my patients pain. I recommend a full in person evaluation with a foot and ankle specialized orthopedic surgeon including history, physical exam, x-rays of the ankle and foot. Imaging such as CT scans may provide more information to better address your specific problem.

After evaluation, nonoperative treatment options including bracing, anti-inflammatory medications, pain relieving medications, physical therapy, steroid injections can significantly improve pain and function thus avoiding or delaying the need for surgery.



Our hips are necessary to be able to stand, run, walk or dance. Suffering chronic hip pain can keep you from performing day-to-day activities and keep you from doing the things you love.

Hip pain is a complaint that can be caused by variety of problems.  Isolating where the in the hip the pain is coming from, whether it happens after activity or is ongoing can help in diagnosing the cause.

Common causes of hip pain stem from osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis and/or dislocation.  Reasons to be seen by one of our trained orthopedic providers at OSI can include:

• Hip Pain that comes on suddenly
• A fall or injury
• Popping or grinding noises
• Bleeding or dislocation
• Inability to bear weight on your hip
• Unable to move your leg or hip



Knee pain can develop over time or result from overuse of the knee resulting in osteoarthritis, arthritis and/or Runner's knee.  Pain in the knee can also stem from a injuries sustained during sports activities; injuries that can involve meniscus tears or dislocation of the knee. 

If sports injuries are not treated in time and appropriately, ongoing pain such as arthritis can cause much pain and result in restricted mobility and a lower quality of life. Options to relieve pain and restore activity are still available and can include surgeries such as; partial or full knee replacement, arthroplasty or arthroscopy.  

It's very important to attend to and seek treatment for any knee conditions and/or injuries as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage.



Shoulder joints are the most used joint in the human body.  Shoulder pain and discomfort, as well as, loss of mobility can make common tasks necessary for everyday living difficult. Reduced range of motion and flexibility due to pain also interferes with the ability to enjoy activity and sports performance. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, seeing one of our doctors can alleviate pain and create a path for healing:

• Inability to reach up or around without feeling stiff or experiencing pain/discomfort
• Pain that keeps you from getting a restful night sleep
• Noises and sensations like popping, grinding or snapping when using your arm

Each provider at OSI is expertly trained in treating shoulder injuries and pain and our providers at Orthopedic Sports Institute will provide you with the best experience whether it involves shoulder surgery and monitoring and/or physical therapy as part of a personalized treatment plan.

sports medicine

sports medicine

Sports medicine focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the sports-related injuries that affect recreational to professional athletes. The scope of care can be focused on damage resulting from a single traumatic event. It can also address wear-and-tear that has progressed over a length of time, an issue for some older athletes or those who engage in high impact sports activities.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

At Orthopedic Sports Institute our highly trained and experienced physical therapist providers specialize in outpatient orthopedic conditions and our treatment programs are tailored to meet the needs of all patients, from the worker's compensation patient to the geriatric population, and to both athletes and non-athletes alike.

Physical therapy is used to treat joint, bone, muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve related dysfunctions. The goal of physical therapy is to help alleviate/eliminate pain, improve/restore range of motion, strength, endurance, and ultimately work to optimize patient's ability to function in all aspects of life.

Orthopedic Sports Institute information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Orthopedic Sports Institute, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Orthopedic Sports Institute, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Orthopedic Sports Institute. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Orthopedic Sports Institute. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.