Sitwell Dental

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15 services for Sitwell Dental

Dental implants

Dental implants

Missing teeth can be both embarrassing and restricting to everyday functions like eating or speaking, as well as severely impacting your oral health as well. A missing tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift and change alignment, and without the tooth root to stimulate the bone, the jaw begins to deteriorate within just a few weeks of tooth loss. However, Sitwell Dental has a state-of-the-art solution for missing teeth—dental implants in Clifton Park, Malta & Saratoga Springs, NY. These are lifelike replacements that mimic the look and function of natural teeth. With proper oral care and routine dental hygiene visits, your new dental implants can provide you with a beautiful smile for the rest of your life.

Dental implants give you advantages that no other tooth replacement option can, including:

  • Permanence with proper care
  • Stability
  • Lifelike appearance
  • Improved jaw health
  • Ability to eat the foods you love
  • Increased self-confidence


At Sitwell Dental, we perform dental implant surgery using the highest standard of care and the most advanced technology. Our office features a cone beam CT (CBCT) scanner for detailed mapping of your oral structure, intraoral cameras for minimally invasive image capturing, and cutting-edge implant planning software, coDiagnostiX™, which can create dental implant guides. With this technology, we can ensure that your implant surgery is predictable and successful. You can restore your mouth with both full-arch dental implants or implant supported dentures.

Full-Arch Dental Implants+

With this option, we are able to place four to six dental implants into your jaw to support an attached prosthesis. This bridge will firmly snap onto the implants or be permanently attached. This option is ideal for those who have never had dentures before, or those unhappy with their current dentures and looking for an alternative.



When receiving a bone graft, a sample of bone is taken from you or a donor source and converted into granule form. These granules are then added to the site of bone loss, under the gum tissue. After the bone graft has had time to heal and fuse to your existing bone, you should have the volume necessary to receive dental implants. Depending on your specific case, there are different types of bone grafting procedures and techniques to offer you the optimum results.

Ridge Augmentation-

If trauma or deterioration of the bone affects your jaw, you may have an uneven jawline. With an uneven jaw, teeth can begin to shift or move and your smile aesthetics may be affected. Ridge augmentation involves placing bone grafting material at the site of recession to recreate an even jawline, fit for dental implants.



Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is considered an investment in both your oral and overall health. A common question many patients have before choosing this solution is how much dental implants cost. Each dental implant case is unique to every patient, and depending on your needs and smile goals, the dental implant cost will change. The best way to find out an estimated dental implant cost is to schedule a consultation and full-mouth evaluation with our doctors.

Number Of Implants Placed-

The cost of your overall implant treatment plan will change based on how many teeth you need to replace and the number of dental implants it will take to achieve your goals. Many times, we are able to restore a full mouth of missing or failing teeth with as little as four dental implants.



dental crown is a lifelike “cap” that covers a damaged or cracked tooth. After we place a crown over a tooth, it will look seamless in your smile and allow you to bite and chew without discomfort. Dental crowns in Malta, Clifton Park, NY and Saratoga Springs, NY are commonly used to repair cracks or chips, malformed or broken teeth, restore dental implants and to repair a tooth after a root canal. When preparing a tooth for a crown, we take a digital impression of the area using our intraoral camera and create an ideal tooth replica on a computer. This information is then sent to a trusted dental lab that will create your crown out of lifelike ceramic material. With proper oral care, your dental crown will be a long-term restoration for you.



We see many patients who want to improve the look of their smiles, but don’t want or don’t need to go through extensive procedures. Porcelain veneers are an affordable, easy cosmetic dentistry solution to give patients like you the picture-picture look they desire. At Sitwell Dental, our beautiful porcelain veneers can mask imperfections and give you a stunning new smile. Veneers are an ultra-thin cosmetic dentistry solution that can brighten and straighten teeth in as little as two visits.

Common cosmetic dentistry concerns that porcelain veneers can correct include:

  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Yellowed or stained teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Short or worn teeth
  • Small gaps between teeth


The Invisalign treatment process is simple: you wear the clear aligners for 22 hours a day and remove them to eat, drink, or clean your teeth, which will result in a straight, gorgeous smile. When preparing you for Invisalign treatment, we will digitally capture images of your bite and create a series of clear aligner trays that slowly adjust your teeth as you wear them. Most aligners will have to be worn one to two weeks and then switched out for a new, slightly adjusted set. Over the course of several months, the aligners will straighten your teeth to the desired position.

Thanks to the flexibility of clear, removable aligners, patients enjoy many benefits from Invisalign:

  • Nearly invisible
  • No dietary restrictions
  • Brush and floss teeth as normal
  • Typically shorter treatment times
  • Less irritation of gums and lips
Six Months to a New Smile

Six Months to a New Smile

Six Month Smiles is a orthodontic treatment which includes placing clear braces and tooth-colored brackets on your teeth, which blend into your smile and are less obvious than traditional metal braces. These braces are able to work so quickly because they make slight adjustments only to the teeth that are visible when you smile. Six Month Smiles is ideal for those who already have a healthy bite, but still want to cosmetically align crooked teeth.

Six Month Smiles offers many benefits over traditional orthodontics:

  • Straightens teeth quickly
  • Tooth-colored, discreet appearance
  • Minimal discomfort from tooth alignment
  • Fewer visits to the dentist for adjustments


Every full mouth reconstruction treatment plan will begin with our cone beam CT scanner to capture detailed information on the state of your mouth, including jaw bone levels, locations of nerves or position of tooth roots, to identify areas of concern and prepare treatments. Sitwell Dental offers many advanced treatments so you can receive your full mouth reconstruction treatments without having to travel to other locations or see different doctors. Common treatments to restore your mouth include:

Tooth Extraction-

Severely damaged or failing teeth may need to be extracted if there is no hope of saving them. We commonly perform socket preservation treatment after tooth extraction to preserve the jaw bone and prepare for dental implants.



Have you begun noticing that your cheeks look more sunken in? Or your lips seem thin? Maybe wrinkles and fine lines have begun to show up around your eyes, mouth, and forehead. Volume loss in your skin is a normal result of the aging process, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel self-conscious about how you look. At Sitwell Dental, our experienced cosmetic dentists are skilled in treating your skin imperfections with dermal fillers in Clifton Park, NY. Dermal fillers are best known as “wrinkle fillers,” but they provide numerous other benefits for our patients, including restoring volume to the lips and cheeks and improving the appearance of scars. Learn how dermal fillers can benefit you!

  • Sunken cheeks
  • Thin lips
  • Facial lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Crow’s feet
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Chin crease


With over 35 million Americans missing all or most of their teeth, dentures are a common solution to restore function and appearance. Dentures are a removable prosthetic device that rests on the gums and are commonly held in place with adhesives or pastes. Dentures resemble a full set of natural teeth and allows those who are missing their teeth to bite and chew again. At Sitwell Dental, we offer affordable and natural-looking dentures to allow our patients who are missing teeth to return a sense of normalcy to their lives.

Dentures provide several oral health and cosmetic benefits:

  • Eat and chew more foods
  • Return aesthetics to the smile
  • Improve speech
  • Restore self-confidence
Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction

When a tooth is badly damaged, infected, or needs to be replaced with dental implants, we commonly need to perform tooth extractions. Having a tooth extracted is more common than many people think, with over 74 percent of adults needing an extraction at some point in their life. While our team will do everything possible to save your natural teeth, we offer gentle tooth extractions when it is absolutely necessary. Most patients experience a relief from pain after extraction and can begin to make necessary steps towards replacing their lost teeth with dental implants.

Common reasons you may need a tooth extraction:

  • Severe damage or trauma to teeth
  • Excessive tooth decay
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Retained baby teeth
  • Choosing full-arch dental implants
Root canals

Root canals

When a tooth has become infected due to decay or disease, we may need to perform root canal therapy to cleanse the tooth and prevent the spread of infection. Contrary to popular belief, root canals are not a painful procedure and actually relieve the source of tooth pain. Without receiving treatment, the infection in your tooth can form a painful abscess (collection of pus and bacteria) and even lead to the tooth needing to be extracted. Research has also found that the bacteria from infection can spread through the blood stream to other parts of the body, causing systemic health conditions like stroke or heart disease. Our team at Sitwell Dental offers gentle root canal treatment to remove the infection from your tooth and restore it to proper, pain-free, function.

Common symptoms of a tooth infection include:

  • Constant tooth pain
  • Tooth sensitivity to temperature
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Recurring bad breath (halitosis)
  • Swelling of the face, cheek or lymph nodes
  • Abscess forming around affected tooth
Family Dentistry

Family Dentistry

When looking for a dentist for you and your family, it is important to find a practice that offers both general and advanced dental services. At Sitwell Dental, we pride ourselves on being a comprehensive family dentistry practice that offers treatments for your young children to eldest grandparent. Our friendly team and modern office will make you feel comfortable and at home each time you visit. We will always make you our number one priority and never rush appointments, so you can ask questions and get the answers you need to feel comfortable and confident in your decisions.

Our services are designed to be lifelong solutions to better your oral and overall health. We take the time to understand your smile goals and work with you to reach them. Our family dentistry practice also features advanced technology like a cone beam CT (CBCT) scanner, intraoral camera, computer generated implant guides and guided tissue regeneration. We offer the following general and family dentistry services for you and your family:

General Dentistry-

The basics of dental care including hygiene cleanings, treating cavities, root canalsdental implants and restorative care. This includes your routine dentistry appointments that you should receive every six months.



Finding your next dental home is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. At Sitwell Dental, we are a family dentistry practice with a team dedicated to helping patients from young to old. We offer the services you and your family need in one location, so you can live a happy, healthy lifestyle with smiles that you will all be proud to show off.

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