Maylands Dental Centre

Maylands Dental Centre

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What Dental Plans Cover The Cost Of Full-Arch Implants?

Dental implants are not typically covered by health insurance in Australia. However, depending on your coverage, you may be able to get some support with dental implants.

Most insurance companies may only cover a portion of the treatment’s cost. Many even may also come with special conditions.

Dental implants are typically covered under major dental by Australian insurance providers such as HBF, HCF, BUPA, and Medibank. Major dental work is usually covered by higher premium policies, typically covering surgery and emergency care.

How Much Can Full-Arch Implants Cost In Perth?

The cost of dental implants will vary depending on various factors, including the number of damaged teeth that need to be replaced and whether a bone transplant or sinus lift is required.

In Australia, a simple dental implant might cost around $3000–$5000 on average. If you need bone grafts, sinus lifts, or other treatments, the cost may vary accordingly. The cost of full-arch implant treatment in Perth can range from $21,000 to $36,000 per arch. 

Factors That Can Affect Recovery Time For Full-Arch Implants

Let’s take a look at some of the most common factors that can affect the healing phase of dental implants:


Smoking is harmful to your general health and your oral health. As a result, it may also affect the success of your dental implants. To begin with, smoking affects the body’s natural healing process, increasing the risk of infection following implant surgery. Furthermore, smoking constricts your blood vessels, which might result in severe bleeding during and after your surgery. Since smoking has a detrimental effect on dental implant insertion, many implant specialists will require you to refrain from smoking for a specified period before your treatment.

Bone volume

Another critical element affecting the outcome of dental implants is the amount of bone density in your jaw. A specific bone type is required for the implant to osseointegrate. After losing one or more teeth, the jawbone begins to weaken gradually. As a result, the longer you go without teeth, the less bone mass your jaw has. Individuals with poor bone mass can still receive dental implants, although they may require additional treatments such as a bone graft. Bone grafting techniques supplement areas of low bone mass with bone material to promote new bone formation. Only a dental implant dentist can determine whether or not a bone graft is necessary before dental implant installation.

Oral hygiene

When it comes to dental implants, oral hygiene is essential. Simply because dental implants are fake teeth, does not mean they are carefree. Indeed, dental implant oral hygiene is identical to that of natural teeth. This means brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and using mouthwash. These behaviours help keep plaque and bacteria under control in your mouth, which helps avoid infection and increases the probability of implant success. On the other hand, poor dental hygiene might result in infection of your implant, resulting in dental implant failure.

Healthy gums

Another critical factor affecting the success rate of dental implants is the condition of your gum tissue, which is another reason why oral hygiene is essential. Individuals who now have or previously had gum disease are at a higher risk of acquiring an infection known as peri-implantitis, which is linked to implant failure. As a result, most implant dentists recommend treating gum disease to ensure that no active infection occurs before using dental implants.


What you consume following dental implant surgery is another critical component in implant success. Following surgery, you will be required to follow a brief soft food diet. Also, you should chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the implant if possible. Consuming soft foods helps avoid applying excessive force to your implant before it has had a chance to recover. Consuming chewy, crunchy, or hard foods, on the other hand, can put excessive stress on a healing implant, causing it to shift in position or rupture.

Can You Get Full-Arch Implants With Bone Loss?

The simple answer is yes. People with severe bone loss are eligible for full-arch implants. In many circumstances, this can be accomplished by having bone graft treatments. A trained dentist considers several criteria before prescribing a dental implant procedure. Some of these considerations include the number of teeth that need to be replaced, the source of the patient’s bone loss, how much bone loss has happened, and the area of the jaw.

Full-Arch Implants Vs. Dentures

Another critical consideration is how full-arch implants compare to alternative replacement tooth options. It is essential to understand your options and the benefits and drawbacks of each so you can make the most informed decision possible.

Full-Arch Implants

Dental implant procedures are an excellent long-term treatment for restoring missing teeth, with full-arch implants being the best option for replacing entire rows of teeth. Many people anticipate that they will provide benefits that dentures cannot.


  • They function in the same way as real teeth do.
  • Most foods are safe to eat.
  • Dentures do not last nearly as long as implants.
  • The surgical placement of implants in your jaw encourages new bone growth, preventing additional bone loss.
  • It is very safe and will not fall out.
  • To protect your gums and bone from discomfort, a prosthesis lies gently on your gums.
  • Easy to care for.


  • It is expensive to initially implant.
  • Bone grafting may be required.
  • Require a lengthier recovery period following the surgery.


On the other hand, traditional dentures are prosthetic teeth that can be put over your gums to replace missing teeth. They are easily detachable and aid in chewing, yet people frequently have difficulty eating certain chewy items, such as tough meat.

It is less expensive. However, they do not last as long as dental implants. Excessive saliva production, decreased chewing ability, slippage, and unpleasant noises and odours are some of the most prevalent issues connected with dentures.


  • A cost-effective and cheaper alternative to implants.
  • Designed to appear like natural teeth.
  • No oral surgery is required.
  • Can choose removable dentures or implant-retained dentures.
  • Fitted sooner after extraction than implants.


  • Certain meals and beverages are not suitable for complete dentures.
  • An excellent permanent solution for people whose gums aren’t suitable for implants.
  • Moving and sliding are possible.
  • Regular cleaning is required.
  • They’ll have to be replaced.
  • Resulting in bone degeneration.
  • It may be uncomfortable or irritate you.
  • It may be able to reduce your taste.

Can You Get Full-Arch Implants After Wearing Dentures?

It is rarely too late to get full-arch dental implants as long as you are in good general health. However, the length of time you have been wearing dentures will affect your bone structure, and you may need one more surgery before you can proceed.

When your teeth were first extracted, your body began to resorb the minerals in your jawbone to make the most use of your body’s resources. This has the unintended consequence of gradually decreasing your jawbone. After ten to twenty years, you no longer have enough jawbone to keep your dentures in place. This is referred to as “facial collapse.” Unfortunately, bone is required for a successful dental implant operation. Your bone must integrate with the implants for them to remain securely in your jaw. Without bone regeneration, dental implants will fail.

Are Full-Arch Implants Procedures Safe?

Full-arch implants are highly safe and reliable tooth replacement options. However, they are not suitable for everyone. They might not be suitable for you if:

  • You practice poor dental hygiene (smoking can contribute to these issues).
  • You have a medical condition such as cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, or blood-clotting issues.
  • You are under the age of 18 years (in which case it is recommended that you wait until your jawbone is fully developed before seeking treatment).

In general, if you are in good health and searching for a long-term, dependable solution for your missing teeth, full-arch implants could be your key to a functional smile and a more satisfying life. If you’re ready to find out if they’re right for you, the next step is to schedule a consultation with us today.

How Long Does The Full-Arch Implant Procedure Take?

Our dentists will ensure that you understand everything that will happen during the full-arch implant procedure. This treatment can sometimes be finished in a single session, but this depends on the individual case.

Full arch implant treatment typically consists of five steps, which may be done in a single appointment or over multiple visits:

Anaesthetic: We will give you a local anaesthetic to ensure that you experience no pain during the invasive procedure. You can consider further sedation options if you are uneasy about dental treatments and require assistance in remaining calm.

Tooth Extraction: If you have any remaining teeth, they must be extracted before placing the implants. If a large number of teeth must be pulled or if we detect signs of gum disease or infection, we may install temporary provisional teeth and resume your implant treatment plan once your mouth has healed.

Implant placement: Our dentists will prepare the implant locations to prevent infection if your mouth is healthy enough for implants. Following that, we’ll gently create incisions in your gums and secure the titanium implants in your jaw. Two implants are typically inserted in the front of the mouth and two in the rear, although additional implants may be required depending on the size and condition of your jaw.

Placing the dental bridge: After the implants are inserted, we will clean and disinfect the treated areas and attach your dental bridge. Our dentists construct these replacement teeth to look as natural as possible and will be securely fixed by the implants.

Recovery: You can then head to the recovery room to recover from the anesthetic, taking care to avoid exertion and follow your dentist’s advice about food and pain management.

Maylands Dental Centre information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Maylands Dental Centre, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Maylands Dental Centre, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Maylands Dental Centre. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Maylands Dental Centre. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.