Presentations & Publications
A Critical Examination of Robotic General Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis of 14 years of Resident Training 2002-2016. AMA Research Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland, November 9th 2018
14 Year Analysis of Educating Robotic Surgeons. Lecture at Surgical Education through Simulation session of Festival Internazionale della Robotica, Pisa Italy, September 29th, 2018
Residents and Robots: The Peoria Curriculum. Lecture at Illinois Surgical Society Fall Meeting, September 16th, 2017
A Novel Curriculum Framework for Education in Robotic Surgery, Poster presentation at American College of Surgeons, National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Annual Meeting (ACS NSQIP) July 23rd, 2017
Residents & Robots – Do They Mix? Invited lecture at The Surgical Experience, Peoria and Beyond. Surgeons Travel Club, Peoria Illinois, April 17th, 2015
Robotic Foregut Surgery: Applications and Outcomes. Invited lecture at Robotic Surgery Symposium, Peoria, Illinois, June 15th, 2013
Our 10 Year Experience in Training GS Residents with da Vinci: Nissen, Heller and Colon cases. Invited Industry lecture at American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress, Chicago, Illinois, October 3rd, 2012
Single Incision Robotic Cholecystectomy, Invited lecture at 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of Illinois Chapter of American College of Surgeons, Peoria, Illinois, May 11, 2012
Introduction to Robotic Surgery. Illinois State Assembly of the Association of Surgical Technologists, Peoria, IL, November 6, 2010.
Robotic Foregut Surgery and Resident Education. Multispecialty Robotic Surgery Symposium for Primary Care Physicians, East Peoria, IL, November 6, 2010.