
  • Pandemic And Brain Age.
  • Reduce Healthcare Cost: The Upside Fund. AltaMed Foundation. Out-of-network.
  • Healthy Bites: Hair Loss Supplements. High BP after Pregnancy. Banning Flavoured Vapes. Be Energized Everyday. Toilet Sounds.



Pandemic And Brain Age In Teenagers

We’ve all handled this pandemic in our ways. The stress of the COVID-19 epidemic not only caused mental health issues in some teenagers but also accelerated the aging of their brains.

Teenagers' brain scans after the pandemic revealed physical changes. These changes were not seen in the brains of similar age groups tested before the outbreak.

What Did The Brain Scan Reveal?

Executive functioning, or the capacity to perform tasks like planning, paying attention, and reasoning, is governed by the cortex. Cortex was shown to have less thickness following the pandemic. Additionally, the amygdala and the hippocampus exhibited development in the scans. 

These changes are more common in those who are older or who have been through a lot of hardship as a kid.

Brain Age Difference 

The difference in brain age was roughly three years. Given that the lockdown lasted less than a year, researchers were surprised by the degree of the increase.

But it is yet not clear if the modifications in the brain are permanent or not. 



  • The Upside Fund has altered the lives of so many families. They want to assist people to get out from under their crushing debt and become debt-free
  • The AltaMed Foundation works very hard to reduce healthcare disparities. They make sure the underserved community gets the top-notch medical treatment they need. 
  • OONOLOGY is aware of how frustrating it can be to submit an out-of-network claim after filling out a ton of paperwork. For this reason, they have simplified the filing process on their plain website.



  • Hair Loss Supplements: This study discovered that a variety of supplements, including omega fatty acids, vitamin E, zinc, pumpkin seed oil, Viviscal, and Nutrafol, showed promise in the treatment of particular forms of hair loss.
  • High BP after Pregnancy: According to a recent study, one in ten women will experience their first case of high blood pressure in the year following childbirth.
  • Banning Flavoured Vapes: According to a recent poll of adult e-cigarette users, most vapers didn't stop using e-cigarettes but instead moved to flavored goods that were exempt from the ban or even resumed smoking regular cigarettes.
  • Be Energized Everyday: A breakfast high in complex carbohydrates, such as a large bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with some strawberries for taste, is essential to wake up without feeling drowsy, according to a new sleep study.
  • Toilet Sounds: A tiny sound sensor placed inside a toilet that can distinguish between peeing, pooping, and diarrhea might aid in reducing the risk of cholera outbreaks in the future.



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