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Carthage Area Hospital provides emergency services in Carthage, NY and a range of other specialties including family medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, and dentistry. We also provide cardiology, anesthesia, radiology, obstetrics/gynecology, and orthopedic care. Other departments include psychiatry, social work, therapy services, sleep center, school-based health care, medical imaging, stroke care, respiratory, and nutritional services. Our imaging department performs routine x-rays and fluoroscopic exams in addition to ultrasound exams, MRIs, and digital mammography.
Carthage Area Hospital information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Carthage Area Hospital, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Carthage Area Hospital, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Carthage Area Hospital. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Carthage Area Hospital. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.