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At Heights Plastic Surgery in Houston, we believe in creating a retreated, intimate facility. It creates a warm and inviting environment in which patients can feel comfortable with openly sharing their concerns. Our patients can feel safe that every minute detail of their care is accurate. AAAASF is the highest level of accreditation for an outpatient surgery center. It means we go above and beyond all compliance and safety precautions. Our private surgery office in Houston features large windows overlooking wooded, private property. It’s close to everything, yet provides a discreet and intimate experience for each of our patients. We believe from the moment you walk in our door, you should have an elevated, yet relaxing, experience. Our sophisticated office was designed with the utmost patient experience in mind.
Heights Plastic Surgery information on Health Beyond Insurance (HBI) platform is intended for consumers to connect with Heights Plastic Surgery, and to provide helpful information to consumers regarding providers' products and services. HBI does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant the products or services of Heights Plastic Surgery, and HBI is not an agent, or representative of, or otherwise responsible for or on behalf of, Heights Plastic Surgery. HBI never makes any medical decisions for you or on your behalf, nor does HBI ever take any medical action in response to information transmitted or received by the Heights Plastic Surgery. HBI does not take part in any medical diagnoses, procedures, or recommendations, or in any medical, prescription, service.